Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
A transient ischaemic attack, TIA, or mini-stroke, is the same as a stroke, but the symptoms last a short time. A TIA is a warning that you are at risk of having a stroke.
Diabetes is a condition caused by too much sugar in your blood. Having diabetes almost doubles your risk of stroke.
Haemorrhagic stroke
A haemorrhagic stroke is due to bleeding in or around the brain. While less common than strokes that are caused by a blockage, they can be much more serious.
Stay a healthy weight
Being overweight increases your risk of having a stroke. So it’s very important to try to maintain a healthy weight.
Ask your pharmacist
Vascular dementia treatments
At the moment there are no treatments that cure vascular dementia but there are treatments to help with many of the symptoms.
Living with vascular dementia
Being told that you’ve got vascular dementia can be devastating, but people with dementia can lead active, purposeful lives. Find information and advice to help you adjust to living with vascular dementia.
Migraine and stroke
Migraines have not been shown to cause stroke, but if you have migraine with aura you have a very slightly higher risk of stroke. Learn more about the relationship between migraine and stroke.
Carotid artery disease
Find out about carotid artery disease is and how it's linked to stroke. Learn the symptoms, diagnosis methods and treatment options.
Changes to taste and smell
A stroke can sometimes cause changes to your taste and smell. Things can taste different or taste bad (dysgeusia) or you may not taste flavours (hypogeusia or ageusia). Some people lose the sense of smell (anosmia) or become more sensitive to smells (hyperosmia). These problems often improve over time, and our guide gives some practical tips about oral hygiene and enjoying your food.